Thursday, November 10, 2011

Goodbye Miss......Hello Mrs!

Ok ok, the wedding is finally over. All of my preparations and planning are done. What am I supposed to do now?!?!

Let's start with talking about the very best day of my entire life.

For the months leading up to the wedding I figured I would be a crazy person on the day of my wedding. I was so worried that I would forget something, lose something, my niece would have to be drug up the aisle by my ringbearer, I would fall on my face walking down the aisle yada yada yada. I'm so happy to report that none of those things happened.

The morning of the wedding I woke up at 715. Not by alarm either. Excitement and anxiousness was running through my veins. I hopped in the shower and started my morning routine, careful not to wash my hair because my hairdresser forbid me not to do so the two days leading up to the big day. 1/2 way through my shower my sister Courtney comes into the bathroom yapping about the big day. I get out of the shower and I kind of want to punch her in the face. She looks beautiful! And the lucky bitch had just rolled out of bed. Seriously, who's hair looks that amazing when they just get out of bed? Certainly not mine!

Anywho I finish my little routine, put on my white "bride" sweatpants, tank top and matching Mrs. Cecil hoodie and head downstairs to wake up the rest of the house. I guess I should have mentioned that a bunch of us stayed at my dads that night to hang out and get ready together. Upon getting to the kitchen my awesome stepmom has already started baking muffins and all kinds of other yummy goodies. I'm not one of those girls that won't eat before they put on their dress. I was flippin' hungry! And kids, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. :-)

So me and Jeannine wake up the rest of the house. Dad is already up (watching sports or something along those lines) and then we all congregate and hang out in the kitchen while we eat. We take lots of pictures and then before you know it it's time for me to go get my hair done!

Ashlee and I got to JC Penny right before my 10am appointment. Melissa looks at me like I'm crazy. I think she expected me to be flipping out or a nervous wreck or something but I was completely calm and happy. Around this time my mom, cousin Lia and Courtney all got there.We all yapped and talked while the girls got their hair done and while Melissa put in my super long extensions.  My hair had never been that long in my entire LIFE! When Melissa was done working her magic and she put my veil on I started to get choked up. I laughed while I was crying and told them all I had to get it out before my makeup was put on! I refused to cry once my makeup was on! Ha!

Ashlee drove us back to my dads where all the girls had arrived. So had my makeup artist Tressa. I went in, sat down and she got to work. Once my makeup was done it was almost time to go! We had a bus picking up all the girls at 245 to be at the church by 315. I hustled everyone up, ate some pinwheels and cheese and then we boarded the bus! Eek! I couldn't believe it was almost time.

When we got to the church we had to hang out in the bus for a little bit because the doors weren't open. I serenaded the girls when Prince came on the radio. I'm sure it was terrible and there is a video floating around somewhere. Hopefully it never surfaces. Once Bill (the organist) got the doors open and we went in I uncovered my dress and waited on my photographer to get there so I could put it on. I was so excited to wear this dress. I worked hard to fit into it. I ordered it a size too small and had some minor alterations done but this dress was the dress of my dreams.

 When Missy got there I put on my dress with the help of Loren (my sister-in-law) and Courtney. Once the jewelry, shoes and garter were on it was time to take some pictures. When we all lined up outside to take pictures I finally got to see all the girls together in their dresses for the first time. I had decided early on (thanks to a suggestion from my stepmom) to let the girls wear their own little black dresses because they know what works for them and they would all be comfortable. And wow, did they look amazing! The fall flowers, their shoes, jewelry and different dresses all looked stunning together. I couldn't be more proud to have these 7 women by my side on this day. My cousin Hayley was my jr. Bridesmaid and she looked adorable in her black dress that I picked out for her. My cousin is such a tomboy (I guess that happens when you grow up with 3 brothers) so it was so so special to have her spend this day with me and the girls. And don't even get me started on my little princess Molly. She was so cute in her white dress with her bracelets and hair band! I had a beautiful bridal party! Anywho, we took some pictures and I had fun being sassy with the camera. I really can't wait to see the pictures. Before I knew it, the boys had arrived!

I had to hustle back to my holding cell.....errrr....I mean room and wait now. Waiting was the hardest part. The more I waited, the more I got nervous and thought about falling on my face. As the room started to empty and it was just me and my grandpa left I told him not to let me fall. He, in return, told me not to let him fall. Ha! So the music starts playing and the doors open and I see a church filled with my friends and family and I just capture it all in my memory. I remember walking out and pausing before continuing down the aisle, I was so happy at that moment. I started to choke up and then pushed the tears back. I saw my best friend Tiffiny first and then I started to choke up then too. Tiffiny and I had a couple of arguments and for some time I didn't even think she was coming to the wedding but when I saw her, I just loved her so much at that moment that every single thing we bickered about was gone and out of my mind.

My grandfather whispered for me to slow down and take it all in, apparently I'm a fast walker and I was really excited! That's when I finally looked up and saw Ryan. He was standing up at the alter with this huge smile on his face. That made me the happiest girl in the world. My grandfather passed me off to my dad 1/2 way down the aisle and he walked me up to my future husband. I didn't fall on my face. Whew.

The ceremony went on, it was beautiful and magical and everything a girl could ever dream of. I think I giggled several times when Fr. Chuck was talking about joining Ryan and Ryan in marriage. It's was so funny! Still is. Ryan Squared. Awesomeness.

When the ceremony was over and we made our exit all of the stress that we had went through the months leading up to the wedding just seemed to lift off of our shoulders. Now it was time to party!

We took pictures at the church and then boarded the bus to head to our beautiful reception hall.I had no idea what to expect. I had my vision that I had worked with and talked about with Mike at Llyod's Florist but I had no idea how it was going to turn out. Ryan assured me it was beautiful, but I just couldn't take his word for it. After forcing the bridal party to stay outside and take a few more pictures we all lined up to make our grand entrance. (Although I do regret rushing myself because I missed some of the key pictures I wanted to take at Mellwood). Oh well. Maybe I can convince Ryan to do them another day.

Our entrance was awesome. The bridal party walked in to Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes. I love that song. And Ryan and I walked in to Call Me The Breeze by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Guess who's choice that was?

When I saw how beautiful Mellwood looked I was so happy! Mike and the Lloyds team did such an amazing job. It was everything that I wanted and they executed it all perfectly. 

After the entrance we ate, drank and danced the night away. I don't think I left the dancefloor for more than a few minutes. We had this awesome photobooth from Snapshot Photo Booth Rentals that was a huge hit for everyone.

The wedding and reception was hands down the best day I've ever had. I wish that I could replay that entire day over and over because it was so much fun. It went by so fast but I'm glad I took the time to capture moments and remember things so they weren't just a blur.

I really want to thank our awesome wedding party and our parents, grandparents and friends that helped us make this day possible. And as for Amanda, Vivien, Kevin and guys are simply amazing and the greatest friends a girl could ask for. You guys drove over 15 hours to be here with us on this special day and that means the world to me. You guys are the best thing that came from the USS Iwo Jima. Hands down.

Thank you to our photographer Missy Brown. Your images are stunning and we can't wait to see the rest of them.

Thank you to my makeup artist Tressa. Your work on my mug was flawless and my makeup lasted throughout the day and night!

Thank you to Lloyd's Florist. We cannot express how happy we are with the way the flowers and decorations turned out.

Thanks to JuLi's Creations for the awesome food and delicious cake. I loved our cake! It was so pretty!

Thank you to Fr. Chuck for marrying us and being such a special part of our day.

Thanks to Jenny and Lauren for all your help with preparations, hair and makeup the morning of. You girls are amazing and awesome!

I'm sure I'm forgetting people....I always do. But thank EVERYONE that came and celebrated with us on this awesome day! I love you guys! xoxo

Mrs. Ryan Cecil

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