Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Everyone knows what Friday is right?

Good morning my loves! I figured I better post a 365 update and write a little before I leave for our mini family vacation tomorrow.

I'm SO excited to be heading to Red River Gorge tomorrow. I could totally use some fresh air, campfires and family time. This is part of our Christmas present from dad and Jeannine. Every year we try to go somewhere as a family. 2 years ago we went to Gulf Shores, last year we went to the Gorge when Charlie was a mere 5 weeks old and this year we're heading back for another go round. We are staying in the "Living on the Edge" cabin and it is GORGEOUS! I'm so glad Charlie is older this year because last year it was tough taking care of a newborn while I was still recovering and trying to have a good time as well. So anyway, we leave tomorrow and sadly Ryan can't join us until Friday after work. He started this new work schedule a week too soon! If he had been on his old schedule just one more week he would have been able to come down with us on Thursday. Bummer.

Now, let's talk about Friday. Everyone knows what Friday is right? It's the HUGE Sweet Sixteen match up between UofL & UK. I'm honestly dreading this game. They beat us during the regular season but that doesn't really mean much when it comes to the tournament. This UK team doesn't have the talent or motivation that National Champion team had when they beat us in the Final Four two years ago. I really just dread this game because no matter what the outcome the fans are pretty shitty most of the time. I try not to be one of "those" fans. Especially on Facebook or social media sites. I always root hard for my Cards but I don't talk shit if we kick UK's ass. I'm all about a good rivalry but sometimes some of the fans are just shitty. And it's both sides. But it's not me. I'll talk smack all day when I'm watching the game with family and friends but I'd rather not boast or brag or be a crappy fan on Facebook. Not my style. On that note. Go Cards.

Here's an updated 365 post. Last week was an AWESOME week for me! Well, Day 81 was anyway. I'm part of a 365 group on Facebook with women (and one guy) from all over the world and we share our images daily. Well, a moderator normally picks one image a day for the top banner page. I've had some images that I thought for sure were going to be banner images in the past but I had never had one of my images picked. Well on day 81 that all changed. I went to lunch with Courtney, Molly & Charlie and snapped a shot of our delicious sushi roll when it came out for my 365 project. When I uploaded that evening to our group I was so excited when that image was chosen to be the banner page for a day! Sometimes I feel like my images aren't good and that I'm not doing enough or putting in enough effort but having that image chosen made me feel SO good! Aside from my image being posted I've booked 4 Spring photoshoots and a wedding in the past week. Yay!

So now that I've rambled enough. Here is my updated 365!

 Day 77. More food.

Day 78. Millie caught Charlie napping.

Day 79. Getting her gear ready for the game!

Day 80. My girl is 11 months old!

Day 81. The Sushi Shot! So proud of this image!

Day 82. Biscuits & Honey. One of my Honey's favorite things.

Day 83. Morning shadows.

Day 84. Millie and I got our days mixed up. Whoops!

Well after my trip I'm sure I'll have tons to update so stay tuned! Thanks for reading!



Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hey hey it's announcement day ya'll!

Today I met my first goal in my weightloss journey and I'm so happy to share it with all of you!

This morning I went out for a run and felt like crap so I called it quits after 1 mile which is totally not something I normally do. Most times I will stick it out but I took it easy on myself since I did an easy breezy 3.4 miles last night. Which felt amazing by the way.

So anyway, when I got back home I decided to go ahead and do my weekly weigh in. I stepped on the scale and almost jumped and screamed for joy! (But decided against that because hubby and baby were sleeping.) ;-)

 I'm FINALLY at my pre-pregnancy weight. It's only taken 11 months and 6 days. Ha!

This is a huge accomplishment for me and I'm so excited to finally be at this weight. I still have another 15 lbs to go to reach my ultimate happy goal weight and I know that if I keep eating right and working out I'll reach it before too long. 

So anyway, that's my big announcement for the day. Thanks for letting me share it with all of you and thanks for all your support and encouragement. Especially from my hubby who has totally motivated me all along and told me how great I'm doing and for two groups of ladies on Facebook that have been great motivators and a big inspiration to me.  I love you all!

Talk to you all soon!



Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Insert Clever Title Here.

365 update!
Day 66. We're finally feeling better after our ear infection!

Day 67.  We threw a surprise bachelorette party for our friend Tiffiny. She got married 2 years ago but they had a quick ceremony because her step daughter was diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) and they were traveling back and forth to Duke University to get her treatments to try and extend her life. (More on Mak HERE) There is no cure for MLD so they still battle everyday but Mak is doing great and finally getting to be a little girl again. Tiffiny is a great mom, friend and step mom and we're glad we could give her the bachelorette party she never got to have. Ps. We are too old to party like we did that night! :-)

Day 68. Macro Love!

Day 69. Millie got up early to catch a sunrise. Millie is my new friend. I've decided to use her in some of my photos as inspired by Andrew Whyte. More on Andrew and his legography HERE.

Day 70. The weather is warm and she wants to play.

Day 71. Just eating her apple.

Day 72. Spring is right around the corner!

Day 73. I gave up coffee, tea and diet coke for Lent. Meet my new best friend.

Day 74. So we recovered from our ear infection and got the stomach bug. Bath #3 for the day.

Day 75. Wishing it would warm up so I could stop taking pictures of food.

Day 76. Happy St. Paddy's Day friends!

Thanks for looking :-)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Progress, ear infections & cranky babies. Oh my!

Hello my loves! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Friday! Today's weather is going to be GREAT! I cannot wait to soak up some sunshine and longer daylight hours this weekend.

I have a busy weekend planned, some plans cannot be talked about yet but on Sunday we have a birthday party to attend for our friends little boy. I cannot believe he is one already. Seriously, all the 2013 babies are growing up too fast. So many of my friends were pregnant last year, it's awesome that our kids are going to get to grow up together and be friends!

So, this week has pretty much been hell. I picked Charlie up from daycare on Monday night and she had a fever of 101. I gave her some tylenol, gave her a bath and she conked out pretty early. Throughout the night she kept waking up screaming and she was burning up so we kept the tylenol coming every 6 hours and on Tuesday morning I called into work so I could stay home with her.

By noon her fever was still climbing and at one point it got up to 105. When we saw that, we called the doctor and they told us to come in right away. Turns out little bug has a double ear infection. Our poor girl has never been this sick before and I just feel awful for her. We got some antibiotics, switched to Motrin to bring down the high fever and then headed home. Ryan had to go to work so lucky me was stuck with a crying baby by myself at night. Yay!

On Wednesday I came into work for a few hours but then left because our girl was still having a rough day at home and daddy needed to get some rest before work. I was pretty much ready to pull my hair out by the end of the second night. I have never seen her so mad and upset but I'm sure she was in pain. Poor girl finally started to feel better yesterday (Thursday) and she didn't have a fever anymore so we sent her to daycare. YAY!

She is still on the antibiotics for another 7 days but she seems to be getting better. I'm so glad!

Next topic. Today was my weekly weight in and round 2 of my diet bet weigh in! I have officially lost 16.4 pounds since January 5th. I am SO excited. I'm 3 pounds away from my pre baby weight and about 15 lbs away from my ultimate goal. I'm also noticing a difference in my figure not just the scale! Here is a few progress pictures. Please disregard the no makeup face and messy hair in the last shot. I had just come in from a run :-)

The day before having Charlie. SO SWOLLEN. Crap. Probably shouldn't have went to the Spring Football game. ha!

Three  weeks after having little bug.

Now! I really notice the weigh loss in my face the most right now.

Had to move some of hubby's crap away from the mirror to get this shot. I really miss my closet. Boo. Haha.

So yeah, that's what I have going on right now. I have been seriously focused on losing this weight for the past two months. I feel SO much better about myself too. I have a ways to go but seeing progress has definetly made the journey easier. Not to mention the fact that so many of my friends are super into fitness right now, we are all kicking our own asses and it feels great.

I just wanted to update everyone on my life and my journey. I'm ready for the weekend and some fun! I'll be back to update everyone on Sunday!



Ready for sunshine!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

365 update.

Hello again!

As promised, here is my 365 update!
Day 48.

Look at those chunks.

Day 49.

Reading my book outside on the first pretty day in a while.

Day 50.

Oil and water clearly don't mix.

Day 51.

Charlie loves her grandma. I go to my husbands parents house every Tuesday and Thursday for dinner. I'll miss our Tuesday nights when he gets off of night shift!

Day 52.

Tracks to somewhere.

Day 53.

A sweet friend of mine is having triplets.

Day 54.

Car naps are the best naps.

Day 55.

Day 56. 

So big.

Day 57.

Happy girl.

Day 58.

Best coffee ever.

Day 59. 

New macro came in today!

Day 60.

City life.

Day 61. 

Macro marbles.

Day 62.

Reflections on the macro.

Day 63.

Today we were diagnosed with a double ear infection.

 Day 64.

Soft & Sweet.

Day 65.

Still sick. Hate this for my bug.