Friday, March 7, 2014

Progress, ear infections & cranky babies. Oh my!

Hello my loves! Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Friday! Today's weather is going to be GREAT! I cannot wait to soak up some sunshine and longer daylight hours this weekend.

I have a busy weekend planned, some plans cannot be talked about yet but on Sunday we have a birthday party to attend for our friends little boy. I cannot believe he is one already. Seriously, all the 2013 babies are growing up too fast. So many of my friends were pregnant last year, it's awesome that our kids are going to get to grow up together and be friends!

So, this week has pretty much been hell. I picked Charlie up from daycare on Monday night and she had a fever of 101. I gave her some tylenol, gave her a bath and she conked out pretty early. Throughout the night she kept waking up screaming and she was burning up so we kept the tylenol coming every 6 hours and on Tuesday morning I called into work so I could stay home with her.

By noon her fever was still climbing and at one point it got up to 105. When we saw that, we called the doctor and they told us to come in right away. Turns out little bug has a double ear infection. Our poor girl has never been this sick before and I just feel awful for her. We got some antibiotics, switched to Motrin to bring down the high fever and then headed home. Ryan had to go to work so lucky me was stuck with a crying baby by myself at night. Yay!

On Wednesday I came into work for a few hours but then left because our girl was still having a rough day at home and daddy needed to get some rest before work. I was pretty much ready to pull my hair out by the end of the second night. I have never seen her so mad and upset but I'm sure she was in pain. Poor girl finally started to feel better yesterday (Thursday) and she didn't have a fever anymore so we sent her to daycare. YAY!

She is still on the antibiotics for another 7 days but she seems to be getting better. I'm so glad!

Next topic. Today was my weekly weight in and round 2 of my diet bet weigh in! I have officially lost 16.4 pounds since January 5th. I am SO excited. I'm 3 pounds away from my pre baby weight and about 15 lbs away from my ultimate goal. I'm also noticing a difference in my figure not just the scale! Here is a few progress pictures. Please disregard the no makeup face and messy hair in the last shot. I had just come in from a run :-)

The day before having Charlie. SO SWOLLEN. Crap. Probably shouldn't have went to the Spring Football game. ha!

Three  weeks after having little bug.

Now! I really notice the weigh loss in my face the most right now.

Had to move some of hubby's crap away from the mirror to get this shot. I really miss my closet. Boo. Haha.

So yeah, that's what I have going on right now. I have been seriously focused on losing this weight for the past two months. I feel SO much better about myself too. I have a ways to go but seeing progress has definetly made the journey easier. Not to mention the fact that so many of my friends are super into fitness right now, we are all kicking our own asses and it feels great.

I just wanted to update everyone on my life and my journey. I'm ready for the weekend and some fun! I'll be back to update everyone on Sunday!



Ready for sunshine!


  1. Congratulations! What is your secret? I've been hitting the gym 4-5 times a week and counting every calorie and I've only lost 10 pounds since January 1st.

    1. Jodi I've been running and really watching what I eat. I don't restrict myself but I count my calories religiously on myfitnesspal. I keep my diary public so I can be held accountable if I eat crap. Running is my thing though. I have to get some physical exercise or I feel like crap!
