Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hey hey it's announcement day ya'll!

Today I met my first goal in my weightloss journey and I'm so happy to share it with all of you!

This morning I went out for a run and felt like crap so I called it quits after 1 mile which is totally not something I normally do. Most times I will stick it out but I took it easy on myself since I did an easy breezy 3.4 miles last night. Which felt amazing by the way.

So anyway, when I got back home I decided to go ahead and do my weekly weigh in. I stepped on the scale and almost jumped and screamed for joy! (But decided against that because hubby and baby were sleeping.) ;-)

 I'm FINALLY at my pre-pregnancy weight. It's only taken 11 months and 6 days. Ha!

This is a huge accomplishment for me and I'm so excited to finally be at this weight. I still have another 15 lbs to go to reach my ultimate happy goal weight and I know that if I keep eating right and working out I'll reach it before too long. 

So anyway, that's my big announcement for the day. Thanks for letting me share it with all of you and thanks for all your support and encouragement. Especially from my hubby who has totally motivated me all along and told me how great I'm doing and for two groups of ladies on Facebook that have been great motivators and a big inspiration to me.  I love you all!

Talk to you all soon!

