Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Insert Clever Title Here.

365 update!
Day 66. We're finally feeling better after our ear infection!

Day 67.  We threw a surprise bachelorette party for our friend Tiffiny. She got married 2 years ago but they had a quick ceremony because her step daughter was diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (MLD) and they were traveling back and forth to Duke University to get her treatments to try and extend her life. (More on Mak HERE) There is no cure for MLD so they still battle everyday but Mak is doing great and finally getting to be a little girl again. Tiffiny is a great mom, friend and step mom and we're glad we could give her the bachelorette party she never got to have. Ps. We are too old to party like we did that night! :-)

Day 68. Macro Love!

Day 69. Millie got up early to catch a sunrise. Millie is my new friend. I've decided to use her in some of my photos as inspired by Andrew Whyte. More on Andrew and his legography HERE.

Day 70. The weather is warm and she wants to play.

Day 71. Just eating her apple.

Day 72. Spring is right around the corner!

Day 73. I gave up coffee, tea and diet coke for Lent. Meet my new best friend.

Day 74. So we recovered from our ear infection and got the stomach bug. Bath #3 for the day.

Day 75. Wishing it would warm up so I could stop taking pictures of food.

Day 76. Happy St. Paddy's Day friends!

Thanks for looking :-)

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