Monday, April 21, 2014

It's a brand new week!

Well it's another week back to work before DERBY WEEK! This week is long then I have two 4 day work weeks so that's going to be nice! I have tons to do on those two off days though so it's not really too much of a break.

Yesterday was Easter and we had a great day spending time with 2 parts of our family circle. This year we went to the Cecil side and the Ranalli side. It's so hard running around with a baby, I don't know how we did 3/4 stops per holiday before Charlie came. That's no fun. I still felt pretty rushed yesterday but I'm glad we got to spend time with our family.

Charlie's first Easter was magical, as is every first holiday with her. She's so funny and loves everything at this age. I can't get enough. The Easter bunny brought her some really cool stuff and then she got some treats from some of our family members too. She did get some chocolate covered peeps but mommy made sure those were gone when we got home from all of our running! I probably shouldn't have ate those or the THREE Reese eggs I ate yesterday but oh well, YOLO. Yuck. I felt gross after. Plus our final weigh in for the diet competition is this Saturday. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to win but I'm super proud of myself for losing 21 lbs in 4 months. I feel good and things just keep getting better. I also received several compliments yesterday regarding my weight and my hair loss. Ha. Those always make me feel good! That's how I know that what I'm doing is working. When you don't see someone for several months and they can tell you've lost weight, that's a great feeling.

So, anyway this weekend was  a lot of fun. Charlie stayed at my dad and Jeannine's on Friday so Courtney and I went to Oiishi and ate way too much sushi. It was delicious. I love that place. Saturday after I picked up the bug we went to the park and she got to swing for the first time. She LOVED it. I was actually going to take her today when I got off work but I forgot Ashlee was coming to get Jamie's thumb drive so maybe we will go Wednesday if the weather is still nice.

SO! Here is my updated 365. I actually cheated on day 111 because I took that picture on Easter which was day 110 but I liked it and wanted it to be a part of the project. So oh well. It's my project, I'll do what I want! ;-)

Day 107
Every Tuesday and Thursday I go to my in-laws for dinner since Ryan works nights. (I know you've heard this before) Well, this is pretty much what Charlie looks like when we get home on those nights. :-)

 Day 108
Had to "BEE" careful not to get to close to this little guy. ;-)

 Day 109. 
This nest is right outside our front door. Since I've taken this photo the bird has laid 2 more eggs. So now we have 5! I cannot wait for these little guys to hatch. We're going to have to re-route traffic to our backdoor.

 Day 110.
Charlie made some friends.

Day 111.
 Cheating. Easter Sunday. Love my family. 


Well guys, there is my update. I'm going to download the mobile blog app for my phone so I can try to keep up more. I feel like I should be posting more than once a week but really my life isn't that interesting!

Hope everyone has a GREAT week.

Happy Derby Festivities to all my fellow Kentuckians!



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