Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Oh no, not again!

I had fun plans for me and Charlie when I got off work today. We were going to go to the park and play, well she was going to swing and I was going to push her. It was going to be so much fun.....until daycare called......

I got a call right at about noon saying that the bug was running a fever of 102. CRAP! I was hoping it wasn't anything serious but I called the pedi and they were able to see us at 230. I left work at 1 to relieve Ryan of his duties so he could go to work and when I got home Charlie settled in for a little nap before we had to go.

I woke her up at 2 to get her ready to go, gave her some motrin because her fever was now 103 and then got her strapped in the car to go. We got to the doctor at about 215 and got back into a room pretty quickly. The nurse poked, prodded and weighed the little one and that set her off and she cried for pretty much the remainder of our visit. When Dr. Rash came in and started her examination she said the words I was hoping I wouldn't hear.....double ear infection.....AGAIN?!?! We just went through this last month! She wrote us a script for something a little stronger than the amoxicillin but I'm pretty sure we haven't seen our last ear infection. We were doing so good for the first 10 months and now it seems like she keeps getting things. Hopefully this isn't followed by another stomach bug. That was AWFUL! So anyway, hopefully she doesn't have to get tubes in the future but I'm starting to think that's very possible.

So anyway, that's what's been going on with me today.

Hopefully tomorrow my girl is feeling better tomorrow.

Day 113/365



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