Monday, April 28, 2014

Derby Week Monday!

I've decided that I'll probably blog every day this week because I'm so anxious and excited for the weekend that I need to kill some time and stay busy. :-)

Today was another eventful day in the Cecil household. Alarm clock was blaring at 530 and I hopped out of bed to crank out some Cardio T-25. I killed it and felt great. Apparently it must have been sleep in day at my house because Charlie and Ryan didn't bother rolling out of bed until 8 which was GREAT for me! I actually got to relax a little this morning and enjoy a cup of coffee which I normally don't do. Most times I'm rushing around, making lunch, straightening the house, feeding the baby, getting the baby dressed or doing some other random thing around here. So anyway, when those two sleep in, I enjoy it.

When Charlie finally decided to wake up I was changing her and noticed a rash all up her belly and her back to her hairline. I was like oh great, what terrible thing is wrong with her now! I was hoping it was just a little reaction to her medicine or maybe she had a reaction to some mandarins that she tried for the first time Sunday. I wasn't too concerned because she seemed fine so we got ready and off to daycare we went. When I got there I was telling Miss C. about the rash and then Ms. T came out and told me that it could possibly be strep rash. WHAT?! She was tested for strep last week when we were at the doctor but they had me convinced that this is now what she had. Ugh.

They let her stay and I told them I would call the doctor so that's what I did when I first got to work. Of course they said they needed to see her so here goes another half day at work. Thankfully my bosses have been understanding and haven't minded me leaving to take care of the little one. They have a ton going on so I really appreciate them on days like today when I'm stressing out and worrying about the little bug. I left work at 2 and picked up the kiddo and we ran over to the pediatricians office. It was really crowded when we got there but we had an appointment so it didn't take long to get back and see Dr. Rash. Ha. Her name is Dr. Rash and we were seeing her because Charlie had a rash. That was ironic.

As soon as she walked in and looked her over she said immediately that Charlie didn't have strep and even if she did the antibiotic that she has been on since last week would have already knocked it out. Well, that's nice to know. She informed me that Charlie has a touch of Roseola which if my mother in law hadn't called me earlier in the day to tell me that this was something Ryan got when he was younger after a fever I would have looked at her like a deer in headlights. Instead I felt pretty informed and grateful that it was nothing to worry about! (Thanks Jan!)

When we left the doctor I was so relieved. The last thing we need during Derby week is Strep and a sickly baby! We came home and she immediately went down for a nap and I tidied up a little since I had some unexpected free time at home. Today has been so rainy and dreary so I haven't really felt like doing much except sitting around. Glad I knocked out my workout early.

Next topic. A friend and fellow blogger has entered a cute little picture of her and her daughter in a mother/daughter photo competition and I think you should go vote for them. The link to her blog is HERE and the voting site is at the bottom of her blog. Feel free to browse around. She's always blogging fun stuff!

Well, I think my husband is on the way home so I guess I better wrap this up. Hope everyone is having a great day despite the rain (here in KY).


As long as it stops raining by Friday we will be in good shape. 


Ryan & the rashy babe

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