Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Frozen bubbles and steamy rivers.

When I said it was cold yesterday I was lying. It's colder today. Holy CRAP it's cold. It's so cold this morning I froze bubbles. No kidding. Froze. Bubbles.


I saw some of my photog friends doing this yesterday so I knew I wanted to try it today. And it worked! I did have to thicken up the bubble solution with some dish soap but once I did I managed to get a few to stick to the table outside. I'm going to try this again later with a little more light. I actually edited this on my iPhone. My 6D has wifi so I transferred the image to my phone from my camera and then put a fun little filter on it in Instagram and posted it that way. I plan on using a bubble image from this morning for my 365 project but I don't think this is the one I'm going to use. I just wanted to post this because it's so cool!

Another fun thing about it being so stupid cold outside is the Ohio River. Currently the water is warmer than the air so this creates a foggy steam that floats above the river. I drove down to the Greenwood Boat Docks this morning before work to check it out and captured this.

Pretty cool! And very pretty. Again, I took this with my 6D and sent it to my phone via wifi. Jeez I love technology.

Hope you guys have been enjoying your morning and this Polar Vortex as much as I have! My shooting finger may fall off but it was worth it!

I'll be back later for more fun!



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