Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Hello friends!

The littlest Cecil decided to pass out at 630 this evening so I decided I better take the time to get caught up on the good old bloggy blog. One of two things is going to happen tonight. Either Charlie is going to sleep until 7 am tomorrow and make mommy very happy or she is going to get up around 3 or 4 and decide to party since she crashed so early tonight. I'm hoping obviously for the first.

I'm several days behind on posting my images for the 365, at least on the blog. So I guess I'll do that first.

Day 25.

Friday night it decided to snow about 2.5/3 inches and I had a date with my amazing cousin to get my hair done Saturday morning at 830. I was praying she wanted to travel to the salon that morning because my hair was in serious need of some help. I was a little sick of the red, my roots were showing and my ends were SPLIT! Anywho, after several text messages in the weeeee early morning we both decided to take our chances with the snow and meet at her shop. I snapped this shot when I parked my car. I love this mural and the snow falling and on the ground made it that much more awesome.  So here is day 25 and here is The Highlands mural! Also, any of my Louisville ladies, if you need your hair done, my cousin is a genius and totally talented. Check her out!  Looks by Lauren

Day 26.
Week 4.

"Black as night, black as coal."
The Rolling Stones

Ok, first of all, my hair is not black. It's more of a chocolate brown. And yeah, I got bangs. I seem to go through a bangs phase every couple of years. I like them.  For now. This image is part of my 52 week project over at The Photographer Within. I'm not really sure what look I was trying to pull off here. I don't really do serious much because I don't think I have a "serious" face. I would rather be smiling. So yeah, there's that.

Day 27.

This was my Monday night. Jealous? Yeah, didn't think so. Charlie cried from the time I brought her home from daycare until she finally went to bed. She was SO tired and nothing I could do would make her happy. She just wanted to play, cry and play, just cry or cling to me and cry. These nights are no fun. I'm glad there aren't many of them. This image may look a little "flashy" because I'm currently doing a On Camera Flash workshop and we're in the process of shooting with direct flash which is something I never do. The results are never really that great unless you know what you're doing. I'm trying to learn what I'm doing instead of using my flash as a paperweight.

Day 28.

This will probably sound crazy, but this is probably one of my favorite images. I'm not sure why. I really like the colors, the eggs look so soft and my cutting board flows nicely with the setup. This was taken at about 5:10pm with a big window directly to the left of the bowl of eggs. I like the way the light is soft and I like that one little spotted egg. Sorry for rambling about eggs. 

Day 29. (I need to stop waiting so long to post these!)

Early morning decisions. Enough said.

Hope everyone is having a great night. I'm about to go curl up under a heated blanket and read a book. I'm on the third book of the Divergent series. I'm trying to read all these books before the movies come out. I think I'm going to read The fault in our stars next. I saw the trailer and it looks like I'll probably cry during that one. Man, I love a good book. I saw online that 33% of people don't read a book after they graduate from high school. This is BAFFLING! I love reading! I hope Charlie picks up on mine and Ryan's love for reading. 

Ok, I'll go now. I hear my Kindle calling my name from the charger. 

Goodnight friends.






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